This app has the best format for othello in the app store- bottom-line .. It should be used as a model for other future designs, very professional and nice to use.
Seemingly designed for the serious player- only one problem
No people!! There used to be many now they are gone.
I am confused here.. No way that monkey David greenes pedo friendly app is any where CLOSE to nice as this one!
The app store needs a reversi app for players and not for teens chatting.....
I thought this was it- still could be if more would join in, it has the best graphics and setup for actual gaming etc.
Designer, do something to improve so we can enjoy your cool design!! Find a way to bring people in more- angle on the competitive side etc.
3 stars for a good design. My old review was for 5 last year though..
You lost stars cause I cant just play myself in there, that would be too kinky.
Thumbmaster about Reversi Online Tournament